🧐 About Me

Hi there! I am a final-year MS student in Machine Learning at the Mohamed Bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence, under the supervision of Dr. Karthik Nandakumar and Dr. Mohammad Yaqub. I completed my bachelor’s degree in Computer Science at Aligarh Muslim University in July 2022, advised by Dr. Faisal Anwer and Dr. Mohammad Nadeem.

Research Interests: I am mainly interested in model-centric AI and data-centric machine learning, including data privacy, model robustness, domain generalization, and healthcare related applications. My research investigates how to elevate data-centric approaches to improving the performance of machine learning models. Currently, I am securing large vision models (LVMs) so that they can be relied upon for effective real-world deployment. Previously, I focused on the following research topics:

  • Data Efficiency: Knowledge Distillation, Distribution Alignment
  • Data Security: Adversarial Training, Model Extraction Attack
  • Model Robustness: Ensembling, Zero-shot Generalization
  • Healthcare-related Applications: Federated Learning, Imbalanced Learning

🤔 For my MS study, I am currently exploring the aspects of domain generalization at test time, without any additional model training or fine-tuning, associated with in-domain, out-domain, and cross-domain data, particularly zero-shot generalization of large vision models like CLIP.

🔥 News

📝 Selected Publications

(* indicates equal contribution; # indicates corresponding authorship.)

ICCE 2024

EVOKE: Emotion Enabled Virtual Avatar Mapping Using Optimized Knowledge Distillation
Maryam Nadeem#, Raza Imam*, Rouqaiah Al-Refai*, Meriem Chkir, Mohamad Hoda, Abdulmotaleb El Saddik. (ICCE 2024)

  • EVOKE leverages knowledge distillation involving multi-label classification on the publicly available DEAP dataset, which covers valence, arousal, and dominance as primary emotional classes. Remarkably, our distilled model, a CNN with only two convolutional layers and 18 times fewer parameters than the teacher model, achieves competitive results, boasting an accuracy of 87% while demanding far less computational resources. This equilibrium between performance and deployability positions our framework as an ideal choice for virtual environment systems. Furthermore, the multi-label classification outcomes are utilized to map emotions onto custom-designed 3D avatars.
MICCAI 2023, spotlight

SEDA: Self-ensembling ViT with Defensive Distillation and Adversarial Training for Robust Chest X-Rays Classification
Raza Imam#, Ibrahim Almakky, Salma Alrashdi, Baketah Alrashdi, Mohammad Yaqub. (MICCAI 2023) code

  • SEDA utilizes efficient CNN blocks to learn spatial features with various levels of abstraction from feature representations extracted from intermediate ViT blocks, that are largely unaffected by adversarial perturbations. Furthermore, SEDA leverages adversarial training in combination with defensive distillation for improved robustness against adversaries. Extensive experiments performed with the proposed architecture and training paradigm on publicly available Tuberculosis x-ray dataset shows SOTA efficacy of SEDA compared to SEViT in terms of computational efficiency with 70x times lighter framework and enhanced robustness of +9%.
MIUA 2023

On enhancing the robustness of Vision Transformers: Defensive Diffusion
Raza Imam, Muhammad Huzaifa#, Mohammed El-Amine Azz. (MIUA 2023) code

  • In this work, we introduced a defensive diffusion technique as an adversarial purifier to eliminate adversarial noise introduced by attackers in the original image. By utilizing the denoising capabilities of the diffusion model, we employ a reverse diffusion process to effectively eliminate the adversarial noise from the attack sample, resulting in a cleaner image that is then fed into the ViT blocks. Extensive experiments conducted on a publicly available Tuberculosis X-ray dataset validate the computational efficiency and improved robustness achieved by our proposed architecture.
UAI 2023

Optimizing Brain Tumor Classification: A Comprehensive Study on Transfer Learning and Imbalance Handling in Deep Learning Models
Raza Imam#, Mohammed Talha Alam. (UAI 2023) code

  • In this work, we present a novel deep learning-based approach, called Transfer Learning-CNN, for brain tumor classification using MRI data. The proposed model leverages the predictive capabilities of existing publicly available models by utilizing their pre-trained weights and transferring those weights to the CNN. We investigate the impact of different loss functions, including focal loss, and oversampling methods, such as SMOTE and ADASYN, in addressing the data imbalance issue. Notably, the proposed strategy, which combines VGG-16 and CNN, achieved an impressive accuracy rate of 96%, surpassing alternative approaches significantly.
Elsevier JKSU

A systematic literature review of attribute based encryption in health services
Raza Imam, Kaushal Kumar, Syed Mehran Raza, Rumi Sadaf, Faisal Anwer#, Noor Fatima, Mohammad Nadeem, Mohamed Abbas, Obaidur Rahman. (Elsevier JKSU)

  • This survey presents a systematic and comprehensive study of ABE works concerning E-Health as the authors rigorously investigate healthcare-focused ABE frameworks and examine them based on various descriptive criteria, along with categorizing them systematically in 10 distinct domains and sub-domains, ultimately offering observations and potential recommendations. The descriptive research design, significant findings along with the suggested future works will help future research in ABE to secure the existing E-Health data sharing more effectively.

🎖 Honors and Awards

  • 2023.11 Selected for Abstract Presentation, at PlanetX challenge by UAE Space Agency, Dubai Air Show, UAE
  • 2023.09 Selected for Spotlight Presentation, at DART Workshop, 26th MICCAI, Vancouver, Canada
  • 2023.07 Nominated for Best Paper Award, under Abstract Category, at 27th Conference on MIUA, Scotland
  • 2022.08 Secured Fully Funded Scholarship for Graduate School at MBZUAI for MS program in Machine Learning
  • 2018.12 Received Merit-Cum Means Scholarship, 2018 for attending bachelor’s program by Indian government

📖 Educations

  • 🎓 2022.08 - 2024, Masters in Machine Learning, Mohamed Bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
  • 🎓 2019.08 - 2022.06, Bachelors in Computer Science, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India.

💬 Services

  • Journal Reviewer:
    • IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology
    • IEEE Access
  • Conference Reviewer: Sustainability and Resilience Conference (SRC) 2021, 2022, 2023.

💻 Internships

🎙 Miscellaneous


I enjoy traveling with my family and friends. I am always excited about visiting new places and learning about different cultures.


I love playing sports and always make time for football, badminton, and table tennis. I have played taekwondo professionally before and represented my university in badminton and table tennis competitions.

Football Team
MBZUAI Sports Week
Georgia Trip